A young Eddie Murphy coming up now would never use the word "faggot" the way you did.
A lot of the stuff you just don't do now. Nowadays, comics say something that's offensive and they have to apologize to everybody. How do you even write an act and go into a club when everybody has their cameras, it's on YouTube, if you say something offensive, you've got to apologize to everyone? How do you come up with anything?
But there was a huge part of your act that wasn't controversial. From the ice cream truck to the old woman falling down the stairs: "Oh. Lord, Jesus Christ, help me!" [verdens sjoveste bit]
The old woman that fell down the steps, nowadays, if I did that, all the old ladies that fell down the steps would be outside. [Imitates old lady] "I fell down the steps and it wasn't funny. I lay there for hours and hours! It's wrong and he must be stopped! [Waves finger] No, no, no" [laughs]
- fra interview med Eddie Murphy i det nye nummer af Rolling Stone
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