søndag den 16. oktober 2011

It's 1968-baby!

(har altid irriteret mig at Iggy & the Stooges udødelige sang besynger "1969" (hvem er født 1969? ud over Mette Moestrup?) og ikke mit eget fødeår 1968, derfor denne omformatering og tilbagedatering): 

Well it’s 1968 ok all across the danish state
It’s another year for me and you
Another year with nothing to do
Last year I was minus 1 I didn’t have a lot of fun
And now I’m gonna be oh zero I say oh my and a boo-hoo
It’s 1968 ok all across the danish state

It’s another year for me and you
Another year with nothing to do
Another year with nothing to do
It’s 1968
1968 1968 1968 1968-baby
And it’s 1968-bayyyyyyybee

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