lørdag den 10. august 2013

Tu m' hedder det

og gid jeg kunne få det til stå på højkant, så I var nødt til at sætte jeres skærm på højkant også, fordi det er så fantastisk umuigt aflangt, ligesom Bues Bet-vinder, der bare er det i højden og ikke til siden, men den forskel kan sådan rent format-vrang-mæssigt vel komme ud på et (og til efteråret kommer Bue med et ikke-hæfte, dvs. en BOG, på Kronstork, Juice hedder den "selvfølgelig", hvilket han rimeligt nok er ret vild i varmen over på sin blog, vi glæder os til de raffe. kunstige huller i den):

Marcel Duchamp. Tu m'. 1918

American, born France. 1887-1968

Oil on canvas, with bottle brush, three safety pins, and one bolt, 27 1/2 x 119 5/16 in. (69.8 x 303 cm). Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven. Gift from the Estate of Katherine S. Dreier.

1 kommentar:

  1. Tu m’ is a catalog of ideas about painting. Like the readymades, Tu m’ requires viewers to draw their own meaning from its elements.

    Among these elements is a long array of color swatches, receding into the distance and zooming into the foreground.

    The swatches are painted, but the topmost swatch is “fastened” to the surface of the painting with an actual metal bolt.

    Spread across the canvas are are three painted shadows of everyday objects, including some that were readymades.

    A long bottle-brush, almost two feet in length, protrudes from the canvas at a right angle.

    The bottle brush emerges from a tromp l’oeil rip in the canvas.

    The rip is simulated in paint, but it is “repaired” with actual safety pins.

    Below the rip is a hand, painted by a commercial sign painter and signed by him, “A. Klang.”

    The hand points to a white rectangle rendered in perspective, like a floating blank canvas, immediately below the protruding bottle brush.
