lørdag den 8. maj 2010

Kraniebrud i Sofus City

I dag holder vi nonfirmationsfest for min søn.

I går, da Sofus lige var forbi kontoret, øjnede han Max Frischs Jeg er ikke Stiller i en bunke på gulvet og spurgte, om det monstro drejede sig om Ben Stiller?

I det nye nummer af Rolling Stone bliver Ben Stiller interviewet om sin nye film Greenberg, instrueret af Noah Baumbach:

Do you see "Greenberg" as a bookend to "Reality Bites", where 15 years later it's not so cool to still be a slacker, and no one gets your cultural references anymore?

People have said that. I never thought that when we were doing it, except maybe in the party scene at the end. Instead of using extras, Noah had the girls who were in the movie invite their friends. We were totally intimidated by these kids who were supercool and superhip. I was not like that at 20. So it was three days where Noah and I, in between shots, would say to each other, "This is the movie right now, we're Greenberg."

In what way?

I wasn't so confident. I didn't have any of my shit together. There is an air about them that is like, "Wow they really seem to fucking own the place". And I guess they do, because they're young and have it all ahead of them.

Hvilket ca. er hvad jeg vil sige i den tale, jeg usmart nok ikke har skrevet endnu.

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