søndag den 11. december 2011

2 løst frembladrede julegavecitater

Jeg fik 2 mursten af min faster i går aftes - og tonstung tak for dem! -:

Søren Kierkegaards Løse papirer:

Den litteraire Lærdom ligner ofte en uigjennemtrængelig Urskov, hvor man vel paa enkelte Puncter finder et Sted, hvor man kan bede, og en Familie, som udgiver sig for at vide Veien i det nærmest liggende District, men som dog mere har Efterretningen derom traditionelt end ved selv at have vandret Veien. I denne litteraire Urskov opholder sig ogsaa en Mængde vilde Dyr (Rescensenter), som man med allehaande larmende Instrumenter maa holde borte, saaledes f.Ex. ved at træde i Pagt med andre Rescensenter. Det allerbedste vilde maaske være, naar man kunde gjøre ved Rescensenterne ligesom ved Rotter: afrette en til at bide de andre.

d. 9. Oct. 35

Henning Christiansen. Komponist, Fluxist og uden for kategori (en PRAGTbog!):

SONATA for piano ( 3 ) Henning Christiansen 63
for four hands
the lid must be closed

Men and women enter, naked. They bow to the audience and seat themselves at the piano, she at the treble, he at the bass.

1. movement
They all sit before the piano,
absorbed in deepest meditation.
They slide down on all fours and then crawl
as close to each other as possible
around each of the three legs of the piano.

2. movement
Again they sit before the piano,
absorbed in deepest meditation.
Both put right hands on the piano-lid
and hop ( like rabbits ) toward the left
twice around the piano, staying
as close to each other as possible.

3. movement
Again they sit before the piano,
absorbed in deepest meditation.
Now both gambol as quickly and as merrily
as possible one after the other, the right around
the piano. The movement culminates in a marvellous
copulation on top of the piano.

As soon as both are collapsed together in oblivion, the audience gently covers them with available articles of clothing, and the couple sleeps, as long as they wish, while the concert continues.

He is a wise man who does not perform this Sonata (3) until
the human race has fully understood the meaning of the words:

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