onsdag den 8. december 2010


Det Danske Selskab for Ny Fransksproget Litteratur (SLC) arrangerer på fredag 10. december i Poesiens Hus fra 9:30 til 16:00 en Journée OuLiPo med deltagelse af hele 5 (levende) franske medlemmer af OuLiPo (værksted for potentiel litteratur) REGELRET FANTASTISK NOK, her er programmet (tilmelding er vistnok nødvendig: "Du kan tilmelde dig ved at sende en e-mail med navn og adresse til Alexandre Planque (Aarhus Universitet): fraap@hum.au.dk Skriv venligst i mailen hvis du ønsker at spise i Poesiens Hus og skriv følgende i emnefeltet til mailen: Journée Oulipo, tilmelding"):

9.30 - 10.00 SLCs bestyrelse åbner
- Dansk selskab for ny fransksproget litteratur og dets formål
- Præsentation af OuLiPo-gruppen og de inviterede forfattere

10.00 - 11.30 OuLiPo-gruppen
- Gruppens historie, forfatternes principper m.m.
- Rundbordssamtale og debat ved Steen Bille Jørgensen og Hans Peter Lund


11.45 -12.30 Spørgsmål fra publikum

Frokost 12.30-14.00

14.00 -15.15 Oplæsning ved OuLiPo-gruppen
Marcel Bénabou, Paul Fournel, Anne F. Garréta, Jacques Jouet [opfinderen af metrodigtet] og Hervé Le Tellier
N.B. Danske oversættelser vil være tilgængelige i form af kopieret materiale

15.30 -16.00 Spørgsmål og debat

Og her er Anne F. Garrétas 10 principper for organisering af bøger, fra artiklen "On Bookselves", hentet inde på OuLiPo's forbilledligt smukke og sirlige hjemmeside; hende kan man da blive nødt til at opleve være bogstavelig live:

Principle # 1

Any set of books can be partitioned according to the following [russellian] principle :

- books in which one remembers having encountered at least once the word ‘book’ ;

- books that left no memory of having contained the word ’book’.

Principle # 2

Together might live :

- books written avoiding the letter ‘e’ ;

- books that, thankfully, spare the reader any dialogue ;

- books that abstain from focalized descriptions ;

- books written without assigning characters any gender marks ;

- books flouting the requirements of punctuation and spelling ;

Principle # 3

- books that could have belonged in Kimbote’s library ;

- books Rodolphe could have offered to Emma had he been Valmont and not Rodolphe ;

- books that would have fit in a room of one’s own ;

- books forgotten in motel rooms by Humble Humbert ;

- books from the Vaticana that could be adduced to justify Lafcadio’s gratuitous crime ;

- books in which Danish princes would be liable to find nothing but words, words, words ;

- books on which, while reclining in his captain’s armchair, and thinking of bulky white things, Ahab might have propped his ivory stump of a leg.

- books likely to cause Paolo and Francesca da Rimini to fall anew into Hell.

Principle # 4

- books doomed to fall on deaf ears;

- nosy books ;

- short-sighted books;

- narrow-minded books;

- books so full of bile they warrant a jaundiced view of their author ;

- highbrow books replete with flat-footed prose ;

- tear-jerkers ;

- no brainers.

Principle # 5

- books written in one language when they were obviously conceived in another ;

- books allegedly written in English though they feel like they’ve been translated from a foreign language by a translation automaton ;

- books evidently written under the spell of an overdose of German metaphysics ;

- books about which it is impossible to decide whether they’ve been written (allegedly in English) by a translation automaton or under the spell of an overdose of German metaphysics by a philosophy automaton.

Principle # 6

- books in which one encounters whales ;

- books in which not even the shadow of a whale is to be found ;

- books from which have disappeared, inexplicably, the whales one imagined there.

Principle # 7

- supposedly hot books that leave you cold ;

- books containing at least one sentence that would make you cry if you dared read it aloud ;

- books people you despise have disparaged (these books deserve respect) ;

- books, within which at least one character, one day, in the blink of a sentence, aroused in you at least an inkling of desire ;

- books so badly written they become fascinating.

Principle # 8

An alternative partitioning principle :

- homebound books ;

- nomadic books.

Among the latter, one may distinguish :

- books bought on the other side of the Seine (or the Thames, the Mississipi, the Tiber…) ;

- books that have crossed an ocean at least once ;

- books you missed, cruelly, one night at 3 a.m. because they had remained on the other side of the ocean ;

- books that show a clear proclivity to migrate under beds at the first opportunity ;

- books you took with you more than once to the countryside with no other consequence than affording them a breath of fresh air.

Principle #9

- books between whose pages one has tucked, to let them dry, leaves, flowers or grass picked on certain walks ;

- books containing at least one sentence you know by heart ;

- books that have left no memory ;

- books you remember reading lying down on a light-colored sofa in a room in some faraway city ;

Principle # 10

- books given to you by someone you love, loved, have loved ;

- books you talked about with someone you loved ;

- books you wish you had talked about with someone you loved ;

- books you imagine someone you love or you have loved could or could have enjoyed ;

- books you would never have read if someone you love or loved had not aroused your desire for them;

- books you wish or would have wished to read in bed with someone you love or have loved without ever telling them so ;

- books holding no relation of any sort with the love of anyone (but who remembers those ?).

2 kommentarer:

  1. Tilmelding pr mail er nødvendigt!!

  2. det er på fredag (ærgerligt at det ikke er for det arbejdende folk)
