lørdag den 18. marts 2017

Gyngehest af ild

Fineste, dugfriske bog, købt og læst på min iPad - nu vi taler avangardistisk-opbyggelig børnelitteratur - The Fire Horse. Children's Poems by Mayakovsky + Mandelstam + Kharms, virtuost oversat af Eugene Ostahevsky, indeholdende tre børnebøger, Vladimir Majakovskis The Fire Horse, 1927, Osip Mandelstams Two Trams, 1925, og Daniil Kharms' Play (god, informativ anmeldelse her). Her er begyndelsen på Kharms' bog:

"Peter ran down the road
             down the road,
             along the pavement,
             Peter ran
             along the pavement,
             and he hollered
I'm not Peter any longer!
             move aside!

I'm not Peter any longer!
I'm on wheels, I'm a car!"

Vasco ran behind Peter,
            down the road,
            along the pavement,
            and he hollered
I'm not Vasco any longer
            Out of the way,
            steer clear!
I'm not Vasco any longer!
I'm a steamboat for now on"

Mikey ran behind Vasco,
             down the road,
             along the pavement,
             Mikey ran
             along the pavement,
             and he hollered
I'm not Mikey any longer!
             Pay attention,
             Practice safety!
I'm not Mikey any longer!
I'm a Soviet airplane"

A cow was walking down the road
            down the road,
            along the pavement
            a cow was walking
           along the pavement
           it was mooing
Just a real genuine cow
           with some real genuine
walked towards them on the rad,
taking up the whole wide way.

"Hey you cow,
you milky-mooky,
don't walk here, milky-mooky,
don't walk here on the road,
don't walk here along the way!"
"Move aside!" shouted Peter.
"Steer clear! shouted Vasco.
"Pay attention!" shouted Mikey
and cow did move aside

The stopped running
at the finish,
by the bench
beside the gate:
and Soviet Airplane,
and Soviet Steamboat

Peter jumped up on the bench,
Vasco jumped up on the bench,
Mikey jumped up on the bench,
on the bench beside the gate.
"I am parked!" shouted Peter.
"I cast anchor!" shoited Vasco.
"And I landed!" shouted Mikey.
Then they sat down to rest. "

Billedresultat for The Fire Horse. Children's Poems

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