(foto: dig i Paris)
Certainly most of my memories of my childhood are at City Lights, because that's where I was babysat. Lawrence Ferlinghetti would watch me, and i would play in his office.
- Winona Ryder i interview i Interview, hvor hun også præsenterer en god metafor på rynker:
I have a little bit of traffic on my forehead - which I'm very proud of acutually - and it's interesting how people just instinctively are like, "oh maybe you should get something done about that. And it's like, "Really?". So I'm exited about this new phase.
- Winona med monokel i Heathers i 1988, megetlejet VHS
Winona uden monokel i Interview-nummeret, 25 år senere
Og her synger Matthew Sweet i 2013 sit fine 1991-hit "Winona", han er også blevet ældre:
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