I think many people miss the central tendency of the work ... I don't care what, say, a cup of coffee looks like. I only care about how it's drawn, and what through the years, it has come to be, and what symbol has evolved thorugh both the expedience of the working of the commercial artist and their bad drawings, and the reproduction machinery that has gotten this image of a coffee. for instance, to look like through the years. So it's only the depicted image, the crystallized symbol that has arrived ... We have a mental image of a sort of the commercialized coffee cup. It's that particular image I'm interested in depicting. I'm never drawn to the object itself. I'm only drawing a depiction of the object - a kind of crystallized symbol of it.
Den rigtige kop sort kaffe så vi på Pompidou, her er den.
Sort kaffe hedder bare café, så får du en lille sort. Hvis du vil have en danskere sjaske-kaffe, dvs. en mildere stemt og mindre espressoagtig kaffe, skal du bestille en café allongé eller en café américain. Hvis du vil have den smukke kaffe på billedet, skal du bede om en 'café fou mais beau peint dans une manière très lichtensteinienne et qui est, d'ailleurs, plutôt une représentation d'un café fou', men det er meget få steder, de serverer den. God fornøjelse!
SvarSletMerci, Troels!