But the obligation of a commercial novelist does not lie merely in representing, as fully as possible, the emotional lives of her characters. It also lies meeting the demands, percieved or expressed, of readers. Weiner's readers - who, on the internet, review her work with the attentiveness it has not recieved from The Times - seek out her latest books for the samme satisfactions they have found in her earlier books, with their casual prose, happy resolutions, and loveable heroines. It is unlikely that literary critics will ever applaud Weiner's for these qualities, because literary criticism, at its best, seeks to elucidate the complex, not to catalogue the familiar.
Prøv, bare prøv, Carsten Andersen, Jesper Stein & co,, næste gang I interviewer og profiler HV Holst, SJ Gazan & co, med den mindste smule kritik, bare en knivspids!
(i artiklen er der et billede af Jennifer Wiener, der ser virkelig irriterende ud - her er et billede af Rebecca Mead, der ser rigtig uirriterende ud:

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