Og nu læser jeg omsider også teksterne, på det vedlagte småt- og tættrykte tekstark, eller rettere på de aflyttede tekster på nettet og korrigeret, holdt tæt op mod lyset, af tekstarket; og de fleste er flosset komplekse og enigmatiske (og vittige) og rigtig rigtig gode, den her er helt enkel (og rigtig god og forfinet corny) og siger mig lige nu mest, "The Boss of Me":
Tell me when you're sad
I'm gonna make it cool again
I know you're feeling bad
Tell me when you're cool again
Who'd have ever thought of it
Who'd have ever dreamed
That a small town girl like you
Would be the boss of me
We fly through the night
The tears on your lips
Life has your mind and soul
It spins on your hips
Who'd have ever thought of it
Who'd have ever dreamed
Who'd have ever thought of it
Who'd have ever dreamed
That a small town girl like you
Would be the boss of me
Would be the boss of me
Would be the boss of me
You look at me and you cry for the free blue sky
I look to the stars as they flicker and float in your eyes
And under these wings of steel the small town dies
Who'd have ever thought of it
Who'd have ever dreamed
Who'd have ever thought of it
Who'd have ever dreamed
That a small town girl like you
Would be the boss of me
Who'd have ever thought of it
Who'd have ever dreamed
That a small town girl like you
Would be the boss of me
Would be the boss of me
Would be the boss of me
men musikken er kedelig ..
SvarSletOmslaget er så grimt. Ja, det er meningen, og det bliver det ikke mindre grimt af.