- om hvilken Wikipedia skriver:
Prometheus Rising is a book by Robert Anton Wilson first published in 1983. It is a guide book of "how to get from here to there", an amalgam of Timothy Leary's 8-circuit model of consciousness, Gurdjieff's self-observation exercises, Alfred Korzybski's general semantics, Aleister Crowley's magical theorems, Sociobiology, Yoga, relativity, and quantum mechanics, amongst other approaches to understanding the world around us, and claiming to be a short book (under 300 pages) about how the human mind works and how to get the most use from one. Wilson describes it as an "owner's manual for the human brain".
The book examines many aspects of social mind control and mental imprinting, and provides mind exercises at the end of every chapter, with the goal of giving the reader more control over how one's mind works. The book has found many readers among followers of alternative culture, and discusses the effect of certain psychoactive substances and how these affect the brain, tantric breathing techniques, and other methods and holistic approaches to expanding consciousness. It draws a parallel between the development of one's mind and the development of higher intelligence theorized by biological evolution.
- her er et skema fra bogen:
- men vi tog ikke bogen med, omstændighederne var for mystiske, bagerposen med (ukendt) indhold og kaffekoppen, der viste sig faktisk at være fuld, tydede på, at bogejeren var forsvundet pludseligt, måske fordi han fik travlt, måske ufrivilligt, fordi han blev kidnappet af fjendtlige, fremmede kræfter; jeg lagde bogen, der allerede var hårdt ramt af dagens byger, i en plasticpose og lagde den under kaffekoppen og håber, at bogejeren på den ene eller anden måde - måske via denne blogpost, UFO'er har vel også WiFi - vender tilbage til det kommunale bed og tager sin hjerne-manual i besiddelse atter.
I en mail anbefaler selveste Glenn Christian, vores fremmeste esoteriske digter, Robert Anton Wilson (følg linket i Wiki-citatet, noget af et c.v. så sandelig) som "sær og sjov".
SvarSletJeg vender tilbage til det kommunale bed i dag eller i morgen, bogen skal for fanden ikke have lov til helt at forvitre