onsdag den 18. marts 2015


Herligt fuck-you 

(helt anden ting: jeg har tænkt på, om man i 1989 sagde så meget fuck/fucking, i DK, som personerne gør i Dorphs og Pasternaks Tal til mig!!?? eller var det bare mig, der ikke gjorde det, dengang, hjemme i Århus!?)

til de etik-bekymrede og timeline-mistænksomme The Jinx-skeptikere - og politiet! - fra Nicole Cliffe, her slutningen:

But Nicole, what if law enforcement and the justice system fail in their appointed rounds once more, and Robert Durst goes free bc blah blah chain of custody blah blah something?

Television has ensured that we will at least know that Robert Durst is a murderer. That is a great gift! As someone who would prefer not to be murdered, I like knowing that people are murderers, so I can avoid them. Do you remember when the incompetent buffoons of the LAPD failed to put OJ Simpson behind bars? Happily, Television made sure we all knew he was a murderer, and so he has been prevented from murdering anyone else to this very day, however much he may want to. I wouldn’t get into an elevator with OJ Simpson, because of Television. He will not be able to murder me. This will also be the case with Robert Durst.

But Nicole, they played fast and loose with The Timeline!

Here are the only timelines that matter:
The Timeline of The Jinx
1. Filmmakers make a documentary about Robert Durst.
2. During the making of this documentary, they tirelessly pursue evidence ignored or overlooked by the original investigators and manage to solve the case of Susan Berman and almost-solve the case of Kathie Durst while also entertaining the nation in a wildly-enjoyable six part series.
3. Durst is now in jail and unable to murder anyone unless normal law enforcement and the justice system manage to fuck it up again.
The Timeline of Normal Law Enforcement
1. The police fail to stop Robert Durst from murdering anyone and do absolutely nothing for decades and decades.
2. Durst dies of old age, probably having murdered a fourth person along the way, because he’s a murderer.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Denne kommentar er fjernet af forfatteren.

  2. Ang. FUCK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qayrBj1UEIs Åh, jeg mindes dengang i 84, da jeg skiftede skole og efter et par dage blev hentet ned på viceinspektørens kontor og anklaget - ham den nye, ham fra kommuneskolen - anklaget for at have skrevet FUCK på en dør på det fine privatskoletoilet i gården. Jeg anede ikke, hvad han talte om. Jeg kendte ikke ordet. Det var ikke nået ud til Kildevældsskolen på Ydre Østerbro - men det var højeste mode på Institut Sankt Joseph på Dag Hammarskjölds Allé 17.
