så jeg drømte at en mand flyttede ind og var min stedfar. Jeg var stiv
af skræk hele tiden, fordi han havde bekendtgjort at han formentlig
ville slå mig ihjel, og havde ry for allerede at have myrdet
adskillelige børn og stedbørn "i affekt" som han sagde. Så da jeg fik
chancen slog jeg ham med en hammer. Først var det svært at lægge kræfter
i, grænseoverskridende, men jeg huskede på hvor bange jeg ville være
hvis han stadig levede, og jeg hamrede ham i skralden til det
fuldstændig flækkede og til issen helt manglede. Hvorefter jeg foreslår
min mor at udhule kraniet og bruge det som lysestage. Happy halloween,
I morgen skal jeg mødes med Murakami på et slot, det glæder jeg mig meget til, sidder og tænker på hvad jeg skal sige til ham:
Hi my name is Hannah, I think you should meet me, I am a famous Danish writer, or maybe not that famous but I once wrote about a lizard, it came out from under my bed, it was very big, actually huge, and I thought it would eat me, but then it disappeared, I went for a pee and when I looked in the mirror I saw it again: the lizard inside me, somehow it entered my body,, you know what I mean? I am not sure, but I wrote a story, I think you should read it, it is called Mado, I brought you a book, I can sign it if you want, Mado is Korean, or not actually korean, Konglish, you also have it in Japan, Jinglish or Janglish? anyway I love Japan, I have a Japanese car, it is in Iceland, it’s a very good car, sometimes I drive very fast, but it is no problem, maybe one day you would like to come for a ride, I go in the winter, then I put spikes on the tires and go on the ice, there are almost no day light but so many stars and moon and the snow and waves on the ocean, sometimes we see northern lights on the sky, you know what it is? it reminds me of fireworks, hanabi, I always went in the summer, all over Tokyo, and also Yokohama, I think you should come with me to Iceland, I am sure you will like it, it is not very dangerous, I will drive very slow, we can listen to music and look at the snow, we can get dry fish at the gas station, there are so many horses, and little peoples in the lava fields and rocks, I heard you like music, and spirits in the nature, I can find you a parallel world....
I morgen skal jeg mødes med Murakami på et slot, det glæder jeg mig meget til, sidder og tænker på hvad jeg skal sige til ham:
Hi my name is Hannah, I think you should meet me, I am a famous Danish writer, or maybe not that famous but I once wrote about a lizard, it came out from under my bed, it was very big, actually huge, and I thought it would eat me, but then it disappeared, I went for a pee and when I looked in the mirror I saw it again: the lizard inside me, somehow it entered my body,, you know what I mean? I am not sure, but I wrote a story, I think you should read it, it is called Mado, I brought you a book, I can sign it if you want, Mado is Korean, or not actually korean, Konglish, you also have it in Japan, Jinglish or Janglish? anyway I love Japan, I have a Japanese car, it is in Iceland, it’s a very good car, sometimes I drive very fast, but it is no problem, maybe one day you would like to come for a ride, I go in the winter, then I put spikes on the tires and go on the ice, there are almost no day light but so many stars and moon and the snow and waves on the ocean, sometimes we see northern lights on the sky, you know what it is? it reminds me of fireworks, hanabi, I always went in the summer, all over Tokyo, and also Yokohama, I think you should come with me to Iceland, I am sure you will like it, it is not very dangerous, I will drive very slow, we can listen to music and look at the snow, we can get dry fish at the gas station, there are so many horses, and little peoples in the lava fields and rocks, I heard you like music, and spirits in the nature, I can find you a parallel world....

jeg er ik nogen fe, som jeg troede i vår. heller ej jesus som sommeren forgår. næ jeg er en træt og arbitrær trold på nettet, en krigerske der spår i de nedfaldne skår fra CULT-flaskerne som racisterne smider ind over hegnet. så fuck dig ulla. heller iklæde sig sneens end dit hvide priviligerede skin, der stråler over nakkens rødmen: REDNECK REDNECK. jeg har varslet hele årets realitet da viben holdt op med at synge, da da / jeg / hør / hør kalkunen siger, hvad du ikke selv har sagt (mel. just give me a reason med pink) det hænger sammen nu, det er sguda bare at skrue limen af dåsen eller tape. du er selv et bånd der taler, så det. #åretsgangiellely #ulla #kys
Bjørn Krag Rasmussen (jeg
blev spurgt om jeg ville i radioen og tale om hvorfor jeg ikke
rimer.... øhhhh... har du mødt mig? jeg er lissom lavet af rim. rim er
mange ting osv. kh)
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