onsdag den 19. oktober 2011

We can make it lively

Sidste replikskifte i sidste episode, "Super Ray Is Mortal", i 2. sæson af den groovy charmerende og skæve tv-serie Bored to Death; forfatter og privatdetektiv Jonathan (Jason Schwartzman) og (eks)magasinredaktør og levemand George (Ted Danson) har netop forladt deres ven, tegnserietegneren Rays (Zach Galifianakis) lykkelige hospitalsseng:

JONATHAN: George, do you really wanna go to Tangiers together?

GEORGE: Yes. I'd like to. Or we could go up the Amazon. They have plants there that give you visions. I'd like a vision.

JONATHAN: Yeah, me too. I'd like a really good vision.


JONATHAN: But what do you wanna do tonight?

GEORGE; Well, let's get stoned and get something to eat in Brooklyn. It's not the Amazon, but we can make it lively.

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