Der er 5 afsnit med 5 forskellige multiple choice-tests:
I. Excluded Term
II. Sentence order
III. Sentence Completion
IV. Sentence Elimination
V. Reading Comprehension.
I en note skriver Zambra:
"The structure of this text is based on the Chilean Academic Aptitude Test, which studetns took i december each year from 1967 thorugh 2003 in order to apply to Chilean universities. Today, students take a test with a different name (University Selcetion Exam) that follows a similar structure. This book specifically takes the form of the Verbal Aptitude Test as it was given in 1993, the year the author took the exam. At that time it consisted of ninety multiple-choice exercises presented in five sections.#
Eksempler fra de fire sektioner (den femte består af 3 længere tekster med spørgsmål med multiple choice-svar til)
I. (find det ord der ikke korresponderer med de andre og overskriften)
A) uppercase
B) lowercase
C) cursive
D) dead
E) silent
A) breathtaking
B) earthshaking
C) lovemaking
D) forsaking
E) mistaking
II (sæt sætninger i den mest meningsfulde rækkefølge)
26. The second
1. You try to remember your first Communion.
2. You try to remember your first masturbation.
3. You try to remember the first time you had sex.
4. You try to remember the first death in your life.
5. And the second.
A) 1 - 5 - 2 - 3 - 4
B) 1 - 2 - 5 - 3 - 4
C) 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 4
D) 4 - 5 - 1 - 2 - 3
E) 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 5
III (færdiggør sætningen med de ord, der bedst passer)
44. If the ___ within you grows ___, how deep is your ___ !
A) light dark darkness
B) confusion light flaslight
C) candor lustful schlong
C) love furious divoorce
D) humor bitter book
IV: (fjern sætning(er), der ikke passer)
(1) There are hamburgers in the refrigirator
(2) There are some lettuce and mustard too.
(3) I went to the beach with the kids.
(4) It's normal, they're my kids too.
(5) I'm afraid of you.
(6) And they're afraid of you too.
(/) And that, too, is normal.
A) None
B) 1 and 2
C) 2
D) 4
E) 7
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