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Selskabelighedens videnskab
(fra ODS)
selskabelig, adj. [sælˈsga?bəli] († selskablig. Moth.S115. jf. vAph.(1759).379). adv. -t ell. (l. br.) d. s. (Tode.I.5) ell. (†) -en (vAph.(1772).III). (jf. ty. gesellschaftlich; til Selskab)
1) til Selskab 1 (og 3).
1.1) som angaar, er karakteristisk for omgang (især: af venskabelig, adspredende, underholdende art) mellem mennesker; ogs. om optræden olgn.: som er brugelig blandt ell. passer sig for personer, der omgaas venskabeligt ell. mødes i selskabslivet. naar jeg taler om det selskabelige Liv, saa tænker jeg hverken paa Theatre eller Kaffehuse. Jeg taler om Familier og om sluttede Selskaber. FrSneed.I.430. Gilderne (blev) et Middel . . til selskabelige Sammenkomster. Molb.DH.II.131. (vi stod) paa en meget god selskabelig Fod med hinanden. Krøyer.Er.133. selskabelig Tone.EGad. TT.111. B. besad et overtydet selskabeligt Talent. Kehler.KK.39. som adv. *du bør forsigtig være, | Hvem du selskabelig dig holder til. Tode.I.5. Man lever her meget selskabeligt indbyrdes. VSO. der (kunde) med største Lethed . . føres et i alt Fald selskabeligt set (dvs.: hvad hans position i selskabslivet angik) absolut knusende og fældende Slag mod Manden. Borregaard.VL.II.346. (jf. Selskab 1.3; nu næppe br.) om handling olgn.: som udføres af flere i forening. hvad elsker Ungdommen . . mere end . . Bevægelse og selskabelige Øvelser? Engelst.Nat.178.
1.2) om person: som (p. gr. af sin elskværdige, høflige, dannede optræden, sit livlige væsen osv.) er vel egnet til (venskabelig) omgang med mennesker ell. til at deltage i selskaber, færdes i selskabslivet; ogs. (jf. bet. 2.2): som gerne søger, er interesseret i, omgang med andre mennesker ell. gerne deltager i selskaber. Moth.S115. Alle disse Træk vise os i Jesus en munter og selskabelig Mand. Horreb.II.420. Lidt efter lidt blev han oprømt og selskabelig, og han drak for Selskabs Skyld. Goldschm.II.23. JPJac.I.173.
1.3) (jf. bet. 2.2) overf.; dels (sml. Selskab 1.1 (og 5.3); zool.) om dyr: som søger omgang med andre af samme art, (normalt) lever sammen med andre. Tidsskr.f.Naturvidenskaberne.IV.(1826).209. Den spættede Sæl er meget selskabelig og forekommer ofte . . i Flokke paa indtil et halvt Hundrede Individer. DanmPattedyr.249. undertiden i navne paa dyrearter, som fx.: den selskabelige Høg (Rostramus sociabilis). BøvP.III.279. som adv.: Torsken lever . . selskabeligt i større eller mindre Stimer. Krøyer.II.30. (frynseflagermusen) er selskabeligt anlagt, og sædvanligvis træffes mange sammen. DanmPattedyr. 142. dels (jf. Selskab 1.1 slutn.; bot.) om plante (træ): som vokser i gruppe med andre af samme art; ogs. om selve voksemaaden. selskabelige Bevoxninger eller Skove. CVaupell.S.62. Baade Sukkerrøret og Tagrøret har en Rodstok, der betinger deres selskabelige Voksemaade. MentzO.Pl.147.
2) til Selskab 5: social.
2.1) (nu næppe br.) som angaar, er karakteristisk for ell. staar i forbindelse med, flyder af (individers sammenslutning, liv i) et samfund; samfunds-; ogs.: som passer sig for (individer, der lever i) et samfund. til Selskab 5.1. Menneskets sælskabelige Pligter. Biehl.Haarkl.53 (spottet her, men forsvaret SorøSaml.I.142). de borgerlige eller selskabelige Love. Ew.(1914).III. 110. Af alle selskabelige Dyder er ægte Fædrelandskiærlighed den første. Engelst.Nat. 4. Heib.Pros.III.272. jf. Selskab 5.1 slutn.: den Religion, som sønderriver alle (naturens) selskabelige Baand, er en falsk Religion. PolPhysMag.VIII.544. samt: Erfaringen førte mig an paa, at troe en sælskabelig Foreening imellem Siælen og Legemets Maskine. Agerbech.FL.15. til Selskab 5.3. JSneed. II.114. andre Dyrarter udmærke sig ligesaavel ved særdeles selskabelige Indretninger. NTreschow.Anthropologie.(1803).247.
2.2) (nu sj.) om individ: som lever i (ell. har trang til at leve i) samfund med andre; dels (nu kun m. overgang til bet. 1.2; jf. Selskab 5.1) om mennesker: Mennesket er et selskabeligt Væsen, og som saadant ved mangehaande Baand knyttet til det Almindelige. Engelst.Nat.1. dels (jf. bet. 1.3 samt Selskab 5.3) om dyr. Alle selskabelige Dyr have . . en vis Art af Sprog. Cuvier.Dyrhist.I.77. talem.: Mennesket er et selskabeligt Dyr. NTreschow.Anthropologie.(1803).245. (efter Aristoteles, se Arlaud.57. jf. Holb.Jul.12sc.).
fra ODS bind 18, 1939
(fra Diderots og D'Alemberts Encycklopédie, leksikonartiklen om "amitié", venskab, skrevet af Diderot og Yvon)
"Friendship is nothing other than the practice of maintaining a decent and pleasant commerce with someone . Is friendship no more than that? Friendship
, it will be said, is not limited to those terms; it goes beyond those
narrow boundaries. But those who make this observation do not consider
that two people do not, without being friends, maintain a connection
that has nothing incorrect about it and that gives them reciprocal
pleasure. The commerce that we may have with men involves either the
mind or the heart. The pure commerce of the mind is called acquaintance ; the commerce in which the heart takes an interest because of the pleasure it derives from it is friendship . I see no idea more accurate and more suitable for explaining all that friendship is in itself and likewise all its properties.
It is in this distinguished from charity, which is a disposition to do good to all: friendship
is only due to those with whom one currently has commerce. The human
species, taken in general, is too vast for it to be in a position to
have commerce with each of us or for each of us to have such with it. Friendship
assumes charity, at least natural charity, but it adds a custom of
personal connection that makes a pleasure of mutual commerce between two
Through the reflections that we have expounded, an important maxim on the subject of friendship will be clarified, namely, that friendship should find or establish equality between friends: [in Latin] friendship either finds or creates equals
. So a monarch cannot have friends? To have any, he must seek them
among other monarchs or give to his other friends a character that is on
an equal footing with sovereign power? Here is the genuine sense of the
conventional maxim.
It is that, in regard to the matters that friendship shapes, there must be between the two friends a freedom in feeling and language great enough that neither one of the two is superior nor the other inferior. Equality must be found on one side and the other in the pleasantness of commerce in friendship . This pleasantness consists in offering to each other their thoughts, tastes, doubts, problems, but always within the sphere of the character of friendship that is established.
Friendship does not imply more equality than blood relation. The relation between relatives of very different ranks does not allow for a certain familiarity. The reply of a ruler to a lord who showed him the equestrian statue of a hero, their common ancestor, is known: The one who is below [the horse] is yours; the one who is above [the rider] is mine . It is that the air of familiarity is not suitable to the respect due to the rank of the ruler, and these are considerations that, in friendship, as in kinship, must not be overlooked. (X)
*The ancients divinized friendship , but it does not appear that she had temples and altars of stone like other divinities, and I am not too annoyed about it. Although time has not preserved any of her images for us, Lilio Geraldi claims, in his work on the gods of paganism, that she was sculpted in the form of a girl with nothing on her head, dressed in a coarse outfit, with her breast uncovered as far the spot of the heart, where she put her hand, clasping a bare elm on the other side. This last idea seems sublime to me."
(fra Grundtvigs "Den signede dag med fryd vi ser")It is that, in regard to the matters that friendship shapes, there must be between the two friends a freedom in feeling and language great enough that neither one of the two is superior nor the other inferior. Equality must be found on one side and the other in the pleasantness of commerce in friendship . This pleasantness consists in offering to each other their thoughts, tastes, doubts, problems, but always within the sphere of the character of friendship that is established.
Friendship does not imply more equality than blood relation. The relation between relatives of very different ranks does not allow for a certain familiarity. The reply of a ruler to a lord who showed him the equestrian statue of a hero, their common ancestor, is known: The one who is below [the horse] is yours; the one who is above [the rider] is mine . It is that the air of familiarity is not suitable to the respect due to the rank of the ruler, and these are considerations that, in friendship, as in kinship, must not be overlooked. (X)
*The ancients divinized friendship , but it does not appear that she had temples and altars of stone like other divinities, and I am not too annoyed about it. Although time has not preserved any of her images for us, Lilio Geraldi claims, in his work on the gods of paganism, that she was sculpted in the form of a girl with nothing on her head, dressed in a coarse outfit, with her breast uncovered as far the spot of the heart, where she put her hand, clasping a bare elm on the other side. This last idea seems sublime to me."
"Så rejse vi til vort fædreland,
der ligger ej dag i dvale,
der stander en borg så prud og grand
med gammen i gyldne sale,
så frydelig dér til evig tid
med venner i lys vi tale!"
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