"Anders Abildgaard:
' Ibis' 37 sider, smalle søjler tekst, henvendt til et ' du' som ikke
er der, eller som kommer til stede, hvis læseren udsætter sig for
digtets indædte forbandelser. Mærkværdigvis resulterer
det i en skøn rensning af følelsen, en art ' urvrede' artikuleres!
Inspirationen var et 2000 år gammelt digt af Ovid. Serietitlen »Alonzo! Alonzo!« er dog fra filmversionen (instrueret af Michael Mann LB) af Miami Vice. BANG, sagde kultursammenstødet."
Jeg har ikke set eller fundet forbindelsen Ibis-Alonzo Alonzo-Miami Vice omtalt andre steder. Ren googling på 'Alonzo Alonzo' sætter ikke nogen på sporet:
Alonzo - La Belle Vie - YouTube
2. jun. 2014 - Uploadet af AlonzoVEVO
Alonzo – La Belle Vie Voici le 1er extrait du 3ème album solo d'Alonzo "Alonzo - Finis les - YouTube
29. jul. 2015 - Uploadet af AlonzoVEVO
Alonzo – Finis les Titre disponible sur iTunes: http://po.st/FinisLesItunes Réalisé par Cédric Cayla Prod by Benjay ...Alonzo - Squat - YouTube
29. sep. 2015 - Uploadet af AlonzoVEVO
Alonzo - Squat Réalisé par Beat Bounce Prod by Abys & Zaka 2054 Extrait de la mixtape « Capo Dei Capi v.1 ...Alonzo Mourning - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Harding Mourning Jr. (født 8. februar 1970) er en tidligere
professionel basketballspiller som sidst spillede for Miami Heat i
National Basketball ...
Alonzo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
is both a given name and a surname. Notable people with the name
include: Contents. [hide]. 1 Mononym; 2 Given name; 3 Middle name; 4
Surname ...
Cristela Alonzo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cristela Alonzo
(born January 6, 1979) is an American stand-up comedian, actress,
writer and producer, who created and starred in the ABC sitcom Cristela.
The Adventures of Alonzo Woodchuck
https://books.google.dk/books?isbn=1896209084 - Oversæt denne side
Robert Ellis Klein - 1994 - Juvenile Fiction
"Its Alonzo,
not Woodchuck." "Who's not a woodchuck? I read, and I know a woodchuck
when I see one or perhaps smell one, ha, ha! What are you talking
about ...Alonzo and Melissa, Or The Unfeeling Father: An American Tale ...
https://books.google.dk/books?id=r1ZGAQAAMAAJ - Oversæt denne side
Isaac Mitchell - 1830 - American fiction
What was to become of Melissa, what of himself, what of his parents —“Alas, said Alonzo, I now perceive what it is to want the good things of this life.” - Alonzo's ...Alonzo Fitz: And Other Stories - Resultat for Google Books *
https://books.google.dk/books?isbn=1470928175 - Oversæt denne side
Mark Twain - 2013 - Fiction
Alonzo, Alonzo,
what does it mean? What has happened?" But Alonzo sat white and cold as
the dead. His mother threw back the velvet curtains and opened a ..."
Alonzo Stevens
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Deceased, committed suicide on freeway
Appeared In
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Played By
YouTube-klippet er med samme søgning lige så nemt at finde; og Tubbs (Jamie Foxx) råber vitterligt "Alonzo Alonzo" til Alonzo Stevens (John Hawkes), før denne vandrer ud foran en lastvogn, link HER.
(og for øvrigt mener jeg at bind 2 skal handle om Wimbledon)
* Lige meget hvor sikkert nys Skyum har om Miami Vice-henvisningen, så bør det sidste link i den første Google-søgning ikke ignoreres, til nemlig Mark Twains novelle "The Loves of Alonzo Fitz Clarence and Rosanna Ethelton", eftersom faktisk navnet Alonzo et enkelt, kritisk sted gentages, nøjagtig som i filmen:
SvarSlet"A minute later the Reverend was crouching over the telephone like a cat that knoweth the ways of the prey. He had not very many minutes to wait. A soft, repentant voice, tremulous with tears, said:
"Alonzo, dear, I have been wrong. You could not have said so cruel a thing. It must have been some one who imitated your voice in malice or in jest."
The Reverend coldly answered, in Alonzo's tones:
"You have said all was over between us. So let it be. I spurn your proffered repentance, and despise it!"
Then he departed, radiant with fiendish triumph, to return no more with his imaginary telephonic invention forever.
Four hours afterward Alonzo arrived with his mother from her favorite haunts of poverty and vice. They summoned the San Francisco household; but there was no reply. They waited, and continued to wait, upon the voiceless telephone.
At length, when it was sunset in San Francisco, and three hours and a half after dark in Eastport, an answer to the oft-repeated cry of "Rosannah!"
But, alas, it was Aunt Susan's voice that spake. She said:
"I have been out all day; just got in. I will go and find her."
The watchers waited two minutes--five minutes--ten minutes. Then came these fatal words, in a frightened tone:
"She is gone, and her baggage with her. To visit another friend, she told the servants. But I found this note on the table in her room. Listen: 'I am gone; seek not to trace me out; my heart is broken; you will never see me more. Tell him I shall always think of him when I sing my poor "Sweet By-and-by," but never of the unkind words he said about it.' That is her note. Alonzo, Alonzo, what does it mean? What has happened?"
But Alonzo sat white and cold as the dead. His mother threw back the velvet curtains and opened a window. The cold air refreshed the sufferer, and he told his aunt his dismal story. Meantime his mother was inspecting a card which had disclosed itself upon the floor when she cast the curtains back. It read, "Mr. Sidney Algernon Burley, San Francisco."
"The miscreant!" shouted Alonzo, and rushed forth to seek the false Reverend and destroy him; for the card explained everything, since in the course of the lovers' mutual confessions they had told each other all about all the sweethearts they had ever had, and thrown no end of mud at their failings and foibles for lovers always do that. It has a fascination that ranks next after billing and cooing.
Og i Randers Amtsavis skrev forleden en vis Lars ABILDGAARD:
SvarSlet"Han havde på det tidspunkt aldrig været i Danmark, men i maj 1979 boksede Muhammad Ali foran 3.000 tilskuere i Randershallen. Her er genfortællingen om den nu afdøde mesters besøg i Randers.
»I må undskylde min langsomhed. Men jeg skal besøge 10 lande på denne tur, der bliver min afskedsturné. I får aldrig Muhammad Ali at se igen i en kamp om verdensmesterskabet.«
Sådan lød det nærmest undskyldende fra Muhammad Ali til de omkring 3.000 tilskuere i Randershallen, da han havde bokset to opvisningskampe af fem omgange mod ALONZO Johnsson og Jimmy Ellis. Det var 27. maj 1979, og den dengang 37-årige verdensmester var i en forfatning, hvor skridtbeskytteren var placeret uden på bukserne for at holde sammen på de ekstra kilo, som i karrierens efterår havde samlet sig omkring mesterskabsbæltet.
Men det var stadig vildt og voldsomt, at Mogens Palle havde formået at hente »The Greatest« til Randers, som var en af den danske promotors foretrukne boksebyer. Og Ali - han fandt hurtigt tilbage til sit selvbevidste jeg.
»Jeg er tilfreds. Jeg er den eneste, der har genvundet VM-titlen to gange. Jeg er den største. Jeg er her for at takke af. Nu har I set mig. I kan fortælle jeres børnebørn, at I så selveste Muhammad Ali lyslevende,« sagde han ifølge reportagen fra Randers Amtsavis, der dækkede stævnet med en reporter og tre udsendte fotografer.