torsdag den 26. januar 2017

Mod præsidentpaladset!

- Trump i interview med ABC News i går:

DAVID MUIR: Are you at all ...
DAVID MUIR: ... concerned -- are you at all concerned it's going to cause more anger among Muslims ...
DAVID MUIR: ... the world?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: There's plenty of anger right now. How can you have more?
DAVID MUIR: You don't think it'll ...
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Look, David ...
DAVID MUIR: ... exacerbate the problem?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: ... David, I mean, I know you're a sophisticated guy. The world is a mess. The world is as angry as it gets. What? You think this is gonna cause a little more anger? The world is an angry place. All of this has happened. We went into Iraq. We shouldn't have gone into Iraq. We shouldn't have gotten out the way we got out. The world is a total mess. Take a look at what's happening with Aleppo. Take a look what's happening in Mosul. Take a look what's going on in the Middle East. And people are fleeing and they're going into Europe and all over the place. The world is a mess, David.

- teksten til Klichés "Bag de røde bjerge", som P6 Beat spillede lige før:

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