lørdag den 7. april 2012

Livsmaskeret, lokforlokket

Haydon's life mask of Keats was made in 1816 and according to Fanny Keats was 'perfect copy of the features of my dear brother ... It is perfect, except for the mouth, the lips being rather thicker and somewhat compressed which renders the expression more severe than the sweet and mild original.'

RELICS. These include: a piece of red damask from the bed curtains at Halnaby Hall, the setting for Lord and Lady Byron's honeymoon, or, as he would later call it, their 'treaclemoon'; a dagger, given to Edward Trelawny by a blind beggar during a scuffle in Pisa, in which ByroGå tilbage til liste over indlægn and Shelley were also involved; an alabaster urn with a fragment of Shelley's jaw bone given by Trelawny to Hunt and subsequently kept in the family as a sacred relic and a tin box containing essences used in Shelley's cremation.
  In the nineteenth century it was common for friends to exchange locks of hair as a sign of affection and the Museum collection includes locks from many famous heads including those of Keats, Shelley and Leigh Hunt. In 1833 Hunt described Keat's hair as follows: 'Mr. Keats' hair was remarkable for its beauty, its flowing grace and fineness ... It was a kind of ideal, poetical hair ...'. A scallop shell reliquary, once the property of Pope Pius V, contains the hair of John Milton and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

(fra The Keats-Shelley House. A Guide (det fineste lille museum, ved siden af den spanske trappe, i huset, hvor Keats døde af tuberkulose som 25-årig i 1821)

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