tirsdag den 8. februar 2011

5. række til Seinfeld! (tyggegummi)

I morges klokken 10:03 sikrede jeg mig for en mindre formue pladser på 5. række til Jerry Seinfelds stand-up-show i Forum til juni, vil jeg gerne lige fuldstændig skamløst prale med og glæde mig umådeligt til, store stand-up'ere optræder aldrig i DK, her en lille monolog fra hans ikke ukendte sitcom:


Jerry's opening standup monologue.

JERRY: (unwrapping a piece of gum) I think gum is, is one of the weirdest human inventions. (pops gum in his mouth) It's not a liquid, 's not a solid, 's not a food. What is it? It isn't really anything, you know. I mean, it's like a stationary bike for your jaw. Like, remember when you were in school, and teachers would get all riled up if they caught you with gum? And when you were a kid, you'd think 'What is the big deal?' But, as an adult, I can understand it, because when you're chewing gum, you don't look like you're too thrilled with anything anyone has to say. (as sarcastic teen) 'Oh, World War Two. That was an important historical event? Yeah, I'm sure.' 'They landed a man on the moon, nineteen sixty-nine? Yeah, right. Yeah, I buy that, teach.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Hvor ligger Form?

  2. Form er et oppusteligt, bolsjestribet fyrtårn på klippeøen Indhold.

  3. Et lille hot tip: Verdens bedste komiker Stewart Lee kommer formentlig også i løbet af året til Danmark.
