Det var et sjak for sheiken,
afslørede han ved jubilæet,
hans betroede videnskabsmænd
havde opfundet en måde
at udvinde feta-ost af
Rubiks's Cubes, på dansk
professorterninger, som
en slags forgrublings-
mug, som han ville rushe
ind på markedet, og så
bestak han dem bare, JP,
hvor svært kan det være:
Profeten er en tegnebog
Og så én gang til for Prins Gud:
onsdag den 30. september 2015
Fra Michael i 1978 til Mira og Caspar i 2015
Speed of Life
Smahs the clock
with my thoughts -
I only live
at the speed of life
Swiftly change
to a new disguise -
I need transformations
at the speed of life
Form contrasts
need no camouflage -
sick and tired of
not being myself
Change colour
anarchist chameleon -
throw off my mask
change life-form
My mind
grows out of my head -
changed minds
after having been dead
it would seem I now know -
that I do not have
an indestructible self
Who knows
knows what one's self is like
I couldn't care less
myself create myself
Skifter fart
jeg har brug for fartskift
- jeg ændrer mit liv
før det ændrer mig
(oversat af John Irons i antologien 100 danish poems, hvor jeg også oplæste digte af Sophus Claussen, Jens August Schade og Inger Christensen)
Smahs the clock
with my thoughts -
I only live
at the speed of life
Swiftly change
to a new disguise -
I need transformations
at the speed of life
Form contrasts
need no camouflage -
sick and tired of
not being myself
Change colour
anarchist chameleon -
throw off my mask
change life-form
My mind
grows out of my head -
changed minds
after having been dead
it would seem I now know -
that I do not have
an indestructible self
Who knows
knows what one's self is like
I couldn't care less
myself create myself
Skifter fart
jeg har brug for fartskift
- jeg ændrer mit liv
før det ændrer mig
(oversat af John Irons i antologien 100 danish poems, hvor jeg også oplæste digte af Sophus Claussen, Jens August Schade og Inger Christensen)
Irreversible poet no. 3 - The Danish Tweets
Jeg fik ikke hørt amerikanske Mira Gonzalez læse op fredag aften sammen med Ariana Reines og Caspar Eric (som få timer før havde fået sin debutpris i Vejle), men jeg bød velkommen med et Michael Strunge-digt på engelsk til hendes og CE's gode samtale søndag aften, hvor hun læste op fra både sin digtsamling, som CE har fordansket, og sin seneste bog, Selected Tweets (med Tao Lin) - her er hendes danske tweets (2 billeder mangler, de ville hele tiden dække for tekst - og ved ikke om det første/sidste tweet er en Klovn-henvisning, måske har plakaterne overalt i Cph haft sin underbevidste effekt?):
Mira Gonzalez retweetede
does anyone actually 69? seems like the most insanely complicated thing... why would you... like... nvm
was my 'food poisoning' yesterday psychosomatic? like, did i vomit for hours because i'm scared of not having cellphone service in europe?
i came all the way to denmark just to avoid the bad man with the leaf blower who blows leaves outside my apartment everyday at 7am*
people in copenhagen keep asking me if hood by air is a band
i'm maybe the only mexican jew in all of denmark right now but nobody seems to view me as 'exotic'
how is everyone here so thin and beautiful when it seems like all they eat is ham and cake
so many animals are capable of sucking their own dick but they choose not to. why?
home is where your xanax is
fumbling through like 20 pill bottles desperately searching for my xanax is what i do best
i asked for plain pasta and they gave me this. denmark is insane
like seamless but only for entire loaves of bread and no other food
seems so unreasonable that if i wanna eat a plain loaf of bread as my first meal of the day at 6pm i have to leave my hotel room to get it
i'm definitely the hottest person in my animal crossing town
oh yeah shout out to the guy at the reading last night who was wearing a shirt that his gf hand embroidered with the title of my book
every time i'm in europe i feel like a fat, disgusting american. but i guess thats what i am so...
drank 3 beers last night then woke up and vomited 3 times. i guess this is growing up
gameshow idea: 'Hangover or Food Poisoning?'
my favorite part about being in denmark is texting my drunk friends at 3am their time and 9am my time
Mira Gonzalez retweetede Tao Lin
*NOTICE* i am in denmark and also feel what tao said
Tao Lin @tao_lin
Tao Lin @tao_lin
Unexpectedly Gift Me Cannabis While I'm Outside America & I Will Thank You Profusely & Never Forget You
i briefly did yoga with swedish people in the airport in stockholm
the national dish of denmark is fried bacon so i think i'm never coming home
im on my way to denmark to do some readings and stuff. please bring me weed etc. i'll be the one wearing a cloak
my backpack brings all the preteen boys to the yard
just packed myself a lunch for my 13 hour flight. it's a party sized bag of salt and vinegar chips, one pudding cup and 2 weed candies
the bad man with the leaf blower is the cause of all suffering in the world. who did 9/11? it was bad man with leaf blower
forgive me father for i have caused bodily harm to the bad man with the leaf blower
there is a bad man with a leaf blower outside my apartment blowing leaves way too early in the morning. why is he trying to hurt me